The selling price is negotiated down | The selling price is negotiated UP |
It may take months or years to sell | The auction takes place on one pre-determined day so you can get on with your life |
Buyers may try to wait you out and hope you reduce your price | No time to wait – it’s now or never |
Private sales may be viewed negatively by courts when settling estates | Courts embrace auction sales as a proven way to ensure fair market value and an arm’s length transaction |
May be difficult to get buyers interested | Auctions create excitement ! |
You will not get more than your asking price | There is no cap on what price you receive |
You take the risk of asking too little and selling too low or asking too much and not selling at all | You can rest easy because competitive bidding will determine the fair value. Plus, you can place a reserve if you wish. |
You will have to negotiate with the buyer | Only the price is negotiated at an auction – any other conditions are set by you in advance |
You have to do all the work yourself | Our auction staff will do the work for you |